How to get you started
A good beginning makes a good ending; but a wrong start can mean that the goals are never met. Therefore, the goal of the first phase of MAP – ASSESS is to perform a mapping of the current state and readiness in order to provide a stable starting point for the further process. This also creates a broad understanding, anchoring and recognition of both the necessity and benefits of migration.
A good beginning makes a good ending; but a wrong start can mean that the goals are never met. Therefore, the goal of the first phase of MAP – ASSESS is to perform a mapping of the current state and readiness in order to provide a stable starting point for the further process. This also creates a broad understanding, anchoring and recognition of both the necessity and benefits of migration.
CONTENTS - ASSESS consists of 4 sub-components:
- Mapping and analysis of the entire existing infrastructure: This includes physical servers (e.g. Windows, Unix, Linux), hypervisors, virtual servers, web servers, application servers, load balancers, LAN, WAN, firewalls, routers, switches, database instances, external interfaces (ex. file load, data transmission).
- TCO: A true and fair view of the actual cost of the current infrastructure.
- MRA: Migration Readiness Assessment: Based on a comprehensive survey conducted among all relevant stakeholders in the organisation, a complete picture of the different levels of readiness will be established. In headings, the survey touches on Business, People, Governance, Security and Platforms and thus uncovers both the technical and the human aspects.
- Right Sizing: Ensuring optimal provisioning of resources in AWS, so that requirements from current solution on-prem are reflected in the future AWS solution optimised in terms of costs and scalability requirements.
HOW - The ASSESS phase takes place over 4 weeks.
Hours: The relevant scope is assessed individually. AWS finances up to 300 consulting hours. Before the ASSESS phase begins, we will ensure that funding from AWS is in place.
Consultants: Two specialised and certified experts from KeyCore will be dedicated to taking the organisation through the process, and to conducting both the technical and organisational analyses.
Price: The total budget – funded by AWS – covers all costs up to USD 60,000, while the possible funding depends on the size and complexity of the migration in scope.
Cooperation: Of course, the ASSESS phase cannot be completed without access and insight. Therefore, close collaboration and sparring with selected stakeholders is a prerequisite. Workshops and briefings will also be subject to broad representation and participation from the organisation's employees. This must be agreed in detail before the start of the ASSESS phase
Detailed report with an overview of the different stages of infrastructure readiness and those actions needed for full Cloud migration.
A concrete mapping of the potential for productivity optimisation and resource savings.
Overview of the entire organisation's different stages of readiness and which measures and initiatives need to be implemented for a successful further migration process.
Broad understanding of the possibilities of a Cloud migration; what benefits it will bring to both the individual and the organisation as a whole, as well as what initiatives are needed to realise the full potential.
This was just a brief overview of what the first phase of AWS MAP contains. If you want more knowledge and a deeper insight into how the ASSESS phase can bring you closer to a full and successful Cloud migration, and how we at KeyCore could help you with that, we are just a call or an email away.